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The Bible says in Luke 15:7, “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” I went to bed exhausted last night. Emotionally worn out. It's strange what that does to the body. That's a subject for a different time. I wasn't feeling sad or discouraged. Just plain tuckered out. There was no ball game on to hold my interest. The Orioles had played (and won) an afternoon game. I was lying down early, thinking that I'd just relax for a while. Pam sat with me for a bit and we talked and laughed until I had to sit up to keep from having a coughing fit. When she went to her room, I was out like a light. Early. Going to bed early means one sure thing for me. I will be waking up when other people are just going to bed. I don't need a lot of sleep. Never have. But this night I was wide awake less than four hours later. I probably could have flipped my pillow and taken a stab at getting a little more sleep. But I didn't, because immediately there was something on my heart. Big doings were going on last night. And at my first moment of awareness, at just a little before two, I had to find out how it went. I grabbed my phone and looked for the message that I hoped I'd see. It was there. It said simply: Tonight was an awesome night! Brian's momma got saved! I prayed with her, and after we were done, she looked up and said, "I can't believe how easy that was!" Rejoicing! Shouting and crying rejoicing! No going back to sleep after that. No sense in even trying. Jesus wins and the devil is defeated. Someone has been plucked from the burning. Someone blinded by religion all of her life has been shown God's love and mercy. And she received and believed! All heaven is shouting and rejoicing. I can almost hear them. And so am I. For over a year, God's seeds have been planted. Carefully and with much prayer. A Scripture here. An act of kindness there. And then, the watering. All God's work. All in the Lord's hands. All in His time. All because of God's amazing grace! You might think that this person over whom I'm rejoicing is someone whom I love very much. Someone very close and dear to me. :) Would you be surprised to learn that I've never met or even spoken to her? But she is dear to someone whom I love with all of my heart. She is a good bit older than I am, and lives pretty far away. I may never even meet her on this earth. But I will know her well one day, for we will spend eternity together, rejoicing around the throne of God. And what a day of rejoicing that will be! Then, God reminds me that there was a day, a long time ago, when the angels in heaven rejoiced over me. Oh, how I love that thought! And so, I ask you. Has there been such a day in your life? A day when you came to understand that you stand condemned before a holy and righteous God, and that He in great love paid the penalty for you? Please read the post entitled "Redeemed". It's pinned to the home page of this site. Trust Christ today. And then the angels will be rejoicing over you! :)

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Barbara Olszewski


National Christian Counselors Association

Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor

Certified Temperament Counselor

All scripture taken from the

King James Bible

© 2016 by Barbara Olszewski. 


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